On July 25th, Tom and I will be married 30 wonderful years! Tom is much more romantic than I am, and comes up with the best ideas. On our 25th anniversary, he surprised me with a trip to Boston to see a Bon Jovi concert and watch a Boston Red Sox game. It really was a surprise because neither of us has a passion for music in general, and we don't love any musician in particular. Tom told me he planned the trip because I was so taken with a Bon Jovi special on Oprah. Bon Jovi so impressed me with his compassion for his community, plus, he was still married to his high school sweetheart! Tom thought I'd love to see him in concert. It was a really, really sweet gesture, and the concert was great fun! Truthfully, I'm a bit suspicious that, for Tom, the trip might have been more about the baseball game, since he'd never been to Fenway Park before. He wants to watch a game in every park in the USA. Now he can mark that one off his list.
A side note about Boston: we were advised by our travel agent not to drive ourselves around. Being confident people, and suspecting she was probably inept in city driving, we regrettably ignored her suggestion, bought a current map, and rented a car. I'm here to tell you that driving streets of Boston, and the surrounding area could make you literally want to tear you hair out. These roads were not designed for the volume of people or the types of vehicles now trying to maneuver them. One time we were on a freeway that ended up becoming a one-way alley - without warning. I am not kidding. To make a five mile trip to from our motel to our restaurant, ended up taking us 45 minutes - and it wasn't because of traffic. It was the streets that turned into alleys and dead end roads. Even the people who lived there said they never drive. We finally tore up the map, laughing like madmen as we did it.

Love it!