Wednesday, July 27, 2011

one: bracelet

Happy 30th Anniversary to us! We have reached the final day of Tom's ever-so-creative gift to me. What a lot of work it was for him! What a lot of fun for me! Thirty different cards and thirty different gifts. Tom is an amazing man, and he e is the best gift I could ever have. He's my best friend, my knight in shining armor, my loyal protector, my generous provider, and above all, he doesn't just have my back, he is my back. (sigh) He lifts me up when I'm down, he encourages all my dreams, he makes me laugh, he challenges me, and he lets me be me. I know I was blessed beyond anything I could have imagined when God allowed me to be with this wonderful man he created. I am honored and humbled. I love you lots, honey!

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