I love this silver abalone heart box. Look how it resembles the ocean's waves - so beautiful!
Tom loves to dive for abalone - or maybe I should say - he USED to love to dive for it. Every year, at least a few divers drown by getting tangled in the seaweed or from getting fatigued. Some have even been killed by sharks. Eek! I don't know which has convinced him more, me or the accidents, but he now has agreed to rock-pick instead. He still gets fairly large abalone. When you ab dive, you cannot use a tank: it's only free-diving. So, however long you can hold your breath is how much time you get to locate and then pry off the ab from the rock. I've gone with him before, and it's not easy. I didn't like it. It was cold and the movement of the seaweed underwater freaked me out. Plus, did I already say it was cold? Cold, even with a wet suit on! Let the men do it!
I told Tom this card is gross. Funny and true, but still gross. Here's the inside:
Here's the back:
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